

In the previous documentation pages all the basic components of Symfony CMF have been analysed: the Enrutando that allows you to associate URLs with your Contenido, which users can browse using a Menú.

These three components complement each other but are independent: they work without each other, allowing you to choose which ones you want to use, extend or ignore. In some cases, however, you might just want a simple implementation that gathers all those functionalities in a ready-to-go package. For that purpose, the SimpleCMSBundle was created.


SimpleCMSBundle is implemented on top of most of the other Symfony CMF Bundles, combining them into a functional CMS. It’s a simple solution, but you will find it very useful when you start implementing your own CMS using Symfony CMF. Whether you decide to extend or replace it, it’s up to you, but in both cases, it’s a good place to start developing your first CMS.


SimpleCMSBundle basic content type is Page. Its class declaration points out many of the features available:

  • It extends Route, meaning it’s not only a Content instance, but

    also a Route. In this case, as declared in getRouteContent(), the Route as an associated content, itself.

  • It implements RouteAwareInterface, which means it has associated Route

    instances. As expected, and as seen in getRoutes(), it has only one Route associated: itself.

  • It implements NodeInterface, which means it can be used by MenuBundle

    to generate a menu structure.

The class itself is similar to the StaticContent already described in the documentation page regarding Contenido, although some key atributes, like parent or path come from the Route class it extends.


Like explained before, this bundle gathers functionality from three distinct bundles: Contenido, Enrutando and Menú. The routing component receives a request, that it matches to a Route instance loaded from database. That Route points to a Content instance: itself. A controller is also determined by the routing component, that renders the Content using a template which, in turn, presents the user with a HTML visualization of the stored information tree structure, rendered using MenuItem obtained from equivalent NodeInterface instances.

SimpleCMSBundle simplifies this process: Content, Route and NodeInterface are gathered in one class: Page. This three-in-one approach is the key concept behind this bundle.


Like you would expect, a multilanguage version of Page is also included. MultilangPage defines a locale variable and which fields will be translated (title, label and body). It also includes getStaticPrefix() to handle the path prefix of the Page. This is part of the route handling mechanism, and will be analysed bellow.

The MultilangPage uses the attribute strategy for translation: the several translations coexist in the same database entry, and the several translated versions of each field are stored as different attributes in that same entry.

As the routing is not separated from the content, it is not possible to create different routes for different languages. This is one of the biggest disadvantages of the SimpleCmsBundle.

Configuring the Content Class

By default, SimpleCMSBundle will use Symfony\Cmf\Bundle\SimpleCmsBundle\Document\Page as the content class if multilanguage is not enabled (default). If no other class is chosen, and multilanguage support is enabled, it will automatically switch to Symfony\Cmf\Bundle\SimpleCmsBundle\Document\MultilangPage. You can explicitly specify your content class and/or enable multilanguage support using the configuration parameters:

  • YAML
    # app/config/config.yml
        document_class: ~  # Symfony\Cmf\Bundle\SimpleCmsBundle\Document\Page
            locales: ~  # defaults to [], declare your locales here to enable multilanguage
  • XML
    <!-- app/config/config.xml -->
  • PHP
    // app/config/config.php
    $container->loadFromExtension('symfony_cmf_simple_cms', array(
        'document_class' => null,
        'multilang'      => array(
            'locales' => null,

SimpleCMSBundle in Detail

Now that you understand what SimpleCMSBundle does, we’ll detail how it does it. Several other components are part of this bundle, that change the default behaviour of its dependencies.

The Routing

SimpleCMSBundle doesn’t add much functionality to the routing part of Symfony CMF. Instead, it greatly relies on RoutingExtraBundle and its set of configurable functionalities to meet its requirements. It declares an independent DynamicRouter, with it’s own specific RouteProvider, NestedMatcher, Enhancers set and other useful services, all of them instances of the classes bundled with RoutingBundle and RoutingExtraBudle. This service declaration duplication allows you to reuse the original RoutingExtraBundle configuration options to declare another Router, if you wish to do so.

The only exception to this is RouteProvider: the SimpleCMSBundle has its own strategy to retrieve Route instances from database. This is related with the way Route instances are stored in database by RoutingExtraBundle. By default, the path parameter will hold the prefixed full URI, including the locale identifier. This would mean an independent Route instance should exist for each translation of the same Content. However, as we’ve seen, MultilangPage```stores all translations in the same entry. So, to avoid duplication, the locale prefix is stripped from the URI prior to persistance, and ``SimpleCMSBundle includes MultilangRouteProvider, which is responsible for fetching Route instances taking that into account.

When rendering the actual URL from Route, the locale prefix needs to be put back, otherwise the resulting addresses wouldn’t specify the locale they refer to. To do so, MultilangPage uses the already mentioned getStaticPrefix() implementation.

Exemplifying: An incoming request for contact would be prefixed with /cms/simple basepath, and the storage would be queried for /cms/simple/contact/. However, in a multilanguage setup, the locale is prefixed to the URI, resulting in a query either for /cms/simple/en/contact/ or /cms/simple/de/contact/, which would require two independent entries to exist for the same actual content. With the above mentioned approach, the locale is stripped from the URI prior to basepath prepending, resulting in a query for /cms/simple/contact/ in both cases.

Routes and Redirections

SimpleCMSBundle includes MultilangRoute and MultilangRedirectRoute, extensions to the Route and RedirectRoute found in RoutingExtraBudle, but with the necessary changes to handle the prefix strategy discussed earlier.

Content Handling

Route instances are responsible for determining which Controller will handle the current request. Consiguiendo el controlador y la plantilla shows how Symfony CMF SE can determine which Controller to use when rendering a certain content, and SimpleCMSBundle uses these mechanisms to do so.

  • YAML
    # app/config/config.yml
        generic_controller: ~  # symfony_cmf_content.controller:indexAction
  • XML
    <!-- app/config/config.xml -->
  • PHP
    // app/config/config.php
    $container->loadFromExtension('symfony_cmf_simple_cms', array(
        'generic_controller' => null,

By default, it uses the above mentioned service, which instanciates ContentController from ContentBundle. The default configuration associates all document_class instances with this Controller, and specifies no default template. However, you can configure several controllers_by_class and templates_by_class rules, which will associate, respectively, Controller and templates to a specific Content type. Symfony CMF SE includes an example of both in its default configuration.

  • YAML
    # app/config/config.yml
                Symfony\Cmf\Bundle\SimpleCmsBundle\Document\Page:  SymfonyCmfSimpleCmsBundle:Page:index.html.twig
                Symfony\Cmf\Bundle\RoutingExtraBundle\Document\RedirectRoute:  symfony_cmf_routing_extra.redirect_controller:redirectAction
  • XML
    <!-- app/config/config.xml -->
  • PHP
    // app/config/config.php
    $container->loadFromExtension('symfony_cmf_simple_cms', array(
        'routing' => array(
            'templates_by_class' => array(
                'Symfony\Cmf\Bundle\SimpleCmsBundle\Document\Page'             => SymfonyCmfSimpleCmsBundle:Page:index.html.twig,
                'Symfony\Cmf\Bundle\RoutingExtraBundle\Document\RedirectRoute' => 'symfony_cmf_routing_extra.redirect_controller:redirectAction',

These configuration parameters will be used to instantiate Route Enhancers. More information about them can be found in the Enrutando component documentation page.

These specific example determines that content instances of class Page will be rendered using the above mentioned template, if no other is explicitly provided by the associated Route (which, in this case, is Page itself). It also states that all contents that instantiate RedirectRoute will be rendered using the mentioned Controller instead of the default. Again, the actual Route can provided a controller, in will take priority over this one. Both the template and the controller are part of SimpleCMSBundle.

Admin Support

SimpleCMSBundle also includes the administration panel and respective service needed for integration with SonataDoctrinePHPCRAdminBundle, a backoffice generation tool that can be installed with Symfony CMF. Para más información sobre esta, por favor consulta la sección de documentación del paquete.

Las interfaces de administración incluidas serán cargadas automáticamente si instalas el SonataDoctrinePHPCRAdminBundle (consulta Creando un CMS con CMF y Sonata para instrucciones sobre cómo hacerlo). You can change this behaviour with the following configuration option:

  • YAML
    # app/config/config.yml
        use_sonata_admin: ~  # defaults to auto , true/false can be used to using / not using SonataAdmin
  • XML
    <!-- app/config/config.xml -->
  • PHP
    // app/config/config.php
    $container->loadFromExtension('symfony_cmf_simple_cms', array(
        'use_sonata_admin' => null,


SimpleCMSBundle includes a support class for integration with DoctrineFixturesBundle, aimed at making loading initial data easier. A working example is provided in Symfony CMF SE, that illustrates how you can easily generate MultilangPage and MultilangMenuNode instances from yml files.


Este paquete se configura usando un conjunto de parámetros, pero todos ellos son opcionales. You can go to the SimpleCmsBundle reference page for the full configuration options list and aditional information.

Further Notes

For more information on the SimpleCMSBundle, please refer to:

  • SimpleCmsBundle for configuration reference and advanced details about the bundle.
  • Enrutando for information about the routing component in which SimpleCMSBundle is based on.
  • Contenido for information about the base content bundle that SimpleCMSBundle depends on.
  • Menú for information about the menu system used by SimpleCMSBundle.
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